THE FINAL EXAMINATION GUIDE CONTAINING A DIGEST OF THE PRINCIPAL EXAMINATION QUESTIONS ACTS OF 1869, WITH THE ANSWERS. BY EDWARD HENSLOWE BEDFORD, Editor of "The Preliminary,” “Intermediate," and "Final," and Author to the Preliminary Examination for Solicitors,” STEVENS & SONS, 119, CHANCERY LANE, 1873. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. As my First Edition was one of the earliest works on the new Bankruptcy Act of 1869 I had not the advantage of reference to the Rules and Orders; I have endeavoured to make my Second Edition as complete as possible, not only in the above respect, but by citing any cases recently decided bearing upon the various points. I have also added an Index; and trusting that the present Edition may be as favourably received as its predecessor, and may go further towards assisting Candidates to pass their "Final Examination," not in Bankruptcy but in the Hall of the Law Institution, and thereby enable them immediately to obtain their "order of discharge" from their Articles without any special resolution " of the Examiners, I leave in the hands of my readers my Second Edition of the "Final Examination Guide to Bankruptcy." 66 THE BRIARS, KINGSTON-ON-THAMES, 20th September, 1873. E. H. B. |